Brexit: Or the Probability of Fear in an Uncontrolled Environment

So again, I haven't posted in a few weeks, and that's on me, but I've been travelling a great deal, and I just haven't really had time to address this stuff. So - quickfire round on my opinions of world news lately: Brexit. Those people who don't live in the UK or EU may have no idea what it is, but it's going to have a huge effect on Britain and already has, so if you're interested in world politics, it's quite a fascinating clusterfuck. Basically, those politicians asking Britain to leave the EU convinced them to vote using lies and half-truths which shouldn't surprise anyone by now. What surprised me, however, was that they bought it hook, line and sinker and Britain is now "brexiting". How? So many of the lies were disproved early on in the campaign, and yet people still voted out. A large population of those who voted out were those in the older generations, and most of those who voted in were millennials, and that honestly just show...