About My Blog

Hey everyone! So my goal of this blog is to essentially document my moving to the UK, starting from two weeks before I leave. I will be trying to post once a week, every week, if not more (fingers crossed), and if anyone has any ideas for particular topics for posts or questions about my trip or other such things, feel free to leave a comment or personally message me.

At the moment I am doing nothing more than simply packing up my shit, but in 16 days, I am hopping on a plane. For the first six weeks of the trip, my mother, her fiance, and my sister will be with me, and we will all be travelling just like a holiday, The holiday will end in the UK, and they will fly back to Australia while I will stay in the UK. I will be staying with my Grandmother (on my mum's side) for a large portion of the time I am there, but I will be visiting my Dad's relatives as well.
I will have four regular segments: Song, Movie, Book and Photo of the Week, that will basically sum up my mood at the time of writing. Hope you enjoy that. Here are mine for this week.

Song of the Week: All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
I recently rediscovered this song while road-tripping. It came on during shuffle and I remembered just how bloody amazing it is. It's a super inspiring song that just pumps you up and makes you feel like a fucking champion.
Movie of the Week: No Country For Old Men 
I finally convinced my mum to watch this movie, and it gave me a lot of joy, because she hates movies, and it takes a lot to convince her that some are worth watching. This was a cool moment, with an exceptionally well-made movie by the Coens.
Book of the Week: Pride and Prejudice
Technically, this is always my book of the week, because it's my favourite book, but I posted a fanfiction on it last week, and it received a lot more attention than I expected it to, and really restored my faith in my writing abilities. So this week it's top of the list, more so than usual.
Photo of the Week: 

I will post tomorrow with random updates on packing and such. Much love.


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