Panophobia. The fear of everything. Not actually defined in any medical capacity - you can't be diagnosed with Panophobia. But I can tell you now: I have Panophobia. And it's odd because I know people who would roll their eyes, "Yeah, whatever," and I suppose on some level, I understand where that attitude comes from. Yes, I am panphobic, I am afraid of everything, but in some ways I'm not. For example, I personally, rationally, am not afraid of dying, but catch me after watching a horror movie with the urine soaked trousers, and you'll find me of a different opinion. Catch me looking at a shark, same thing. Rationally I am not scared of ANYTHING. But when you talk about fear you're not really being rational, are you? So I have friends who are terrified of snakes, and spiders and scorpions, Oh My! And I roll my eyes, and of course I shouldn't, because I'm terrified of everything. But for some reason it's funny to me that they're scared of...
Four hours ago, the announcement was made - the 13th Doctor, Peter Capaldi's successor, the next in a long line of incredible Doctors would be........................ Jodie Whittaker? I like Jodie Whittaker. I liked her in "Broadchurch". I liked her in "St Trinian's". I liked "Tess of the D'Urbervilles". I am not sure I like her for this part. I know, I know, if I DO like her for the part, I am a feminazi who deserves to be flogged, and if I DON'T my feminist instincts tell me I am being a regressive arsehole. Unfortunately, I can't help it. I need to get something straight first. I LOVE DOCTOR WHO . No, see, I don't think you get it - I LOVE Doctor Who . If I hadn't had Doctor Who when I was growing up, I don't think I'd be alive right now to write this - it stopped me from killing myself more than once. It got me through some of my lowest points, and made some of my highest points even better. When in...
The time of half-hearted resolutions is on its way! The first few weeks of 2017 will be ushered in by people with grandiose ideas of self-improvement, and then will fade into a sense of resignation at our inability to make serious change for the rest of the year. Then, of course, the cycle will start again in the first week of 2018. A vicious cycle that only serves to solidify our own ideas of our capabilities, or lack thereof. As you have probably guessed, I don't like New Years Resolutions. They rarely ever stick, and they're usually about trivial things, like joining gyms and losing weight, or reading more and watching TV less, or putting more money aside. Of course, those are all nice enough ideas, they're just not anything I really care about with enough conviction to make a resolution. Back when I used to make them, my resolutions would be more about pushing through my anxiety, or rising above bullies, or wishing that my family was happier or wanting to feel better ...
Hi, (Victor) Thanks for the invite to follow your blog. Loving it.