Bisexuality in Fandom
I cannot believe I’m actually about to say this. I can’t believe I even have to… but here goes: PEOPLE OF THE LGBT COMMUNITY – PLEASE STOP SHITTING ON STRAIGHT PEOPLE. Ah, there, I said it, like ripping off a band-aid. Before you immediately jump on the offensive and say something to the effect of “Not all men!” I would like to make it clear that I know it’s not all of us. I know plenty of people who aren’t. But unfortunately, it is a trend I have noticed recently, and I just wanted to open a dialogue on it. I understand that this disclaimer will not stop people from cursing my name and getting angry in comments, but I just thought I’d explain a bit first. So! Onwards! Look, I get it – we’re finally in a place where we feel we have a voice. We can stand up and say, “NEVER AGAIN” and that is amazing. But that never gives us the right to suddenly turn around and start doing to them what some of them still do to us, especially as most of them aren’t doing anything...