
Showing posts from June, 2016

All I Want Is Nothing More...

I haven't posted in the past couple of weeks which was very rude of me, but I do have quite a good excuse. I was in New York, and then Reykjavik and have finally touched down in Ingatestone in the UK, where I will be staying for quite a while. Even now though, I cannot settle for at least a month because tomorrow we set off for Belgium and France and Italy. Before that however, I would like to reflect on some of my travels. This, my gap year that is, was supposed to be for self-reflection and working out what I want to do, and so far it has been nothing but the stress of findings jobs and hating them when I do get them and having the alternate stress of no money if I quit. That is NOT what I set out to do this year. I have an inkling that my gap year might turn into a Gap-two-year-plan... But the real idea was that when I arrived in England and my family went back to Australia, I would have the space and the ability to do this on my own. I absolutely did not expect for it to star...

Let Me Count The Ways

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I have had a lot of time to think about the many ways in which we love each other over the past few weeks. Saying goodbye to people, spending time with them, it becomes obvious that we do not need to say the words, "I love you". The words are, of course, important, but there are other ways to express it as well. On our way home from Brisbane yesterday, my father told me I have magic inside me and never to let anyone ruin that.  My mother always listens to what I have to say, even when it's annoying or crazy or even something that's just plain boring to her, like movie trivia. She listens even if I drone on for hours. My sister used to (and still does sometimes) mimic my interests and hairstyles and that used to really annoy me until I realised she just wanted to be like her big sister.  My friend Clare hovers around my house every weekend, and is basically living with me at this point. She constantly pesters me to wat...