All I Want Is Nothing More...

I haven't posted in the past couple of weeks which was very rude of me, but I do have quite a good excuse. I was in New York, and then Reykjavik and have finally touched down in Ingatestone in the UK, where I will be staying for quite a while. Even now though, I cannot settle for at least a month because tomorrow we set off for Belgium and France and Italy. Before that however, I would like to reflect on some of my travels. This, my gap year that is, was supposed to be for self-reflection and working out what I want to do, and so far it has been nothing but the stress of findings jobs and hating them when I do get them and having the alternate stress of no money if I quit. That is NOT what I set out to do this year. I have an inkling that my gap year might turn into a Gap-two-year-plan... But the real idea was that when I arrived in England and my family went back to Australia, I would have the space and the ability to do this on my own. I absolutely did not expect for it to star...